We have been invited as panelists and participants at the  “Inclusive Bio- and Crypto- Innovation: How Law and Technology Co-Evolve” event of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P), Media Lab Department. The 2-day event has been announced as an annual happening from now on.

This is the MIT forum where lawyers are immersed in formulating the framework of regulation on disruptive technologies as early as possible. Organized by Dr. Andreas Mershin, director of the MIT Label Free Research Group, and Boston-based innovation attorney Dimitrios Ioannidis, co-founders of the Osmocosm non-profit foundation.

Issues discussed included mapping of dark web criminal networks using enriched threat intelligence regarding crypto transactions, decentralized network activity, botnets and threat actor identities. From a legal point of view the topics of interest included storing data with the users, the role of a Central Authority (government), the dangers of storing latent biometric images for access control in the cloud, and how the dark web is full of personal medical data and tools to hack medical devices.
